Episode 19

Intuition and lessons from my journey


April 26th, 2023

1 hr 31 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

On this live I speak about many things including an insight from my journey abo it the difference between perfect and complete… how since childhood we receive brainwashing from every institution from childhood that what it means to be ‘complete’- and only “perfect” is complete… how 100 out of 100 is complete.

To tease apart those two ideas… perfect and complete - is the task of a lifetime.

I am complete and I am progressing.
I am healed and I am healing.
I know and I am learning.
Life is now and we need a plan.

That delicate balance of these two ways of life… being and doing.

And life… it doesn’t start when things are all settled. It will never be ‘settled’… life is unsettling also. Life is imperfect also. Life has bad days also. That is life. I have arrived… and I don’t have to change anything about my life… this is what deep acceptance and surrender must feel like (??!) - it’s a very new feeling for me.

I also speak about intuition/listening to your inner guide/ wise adult/ authentic self/ trusting your decisions etc (which is all the same thing btw)

Let me know your thoughts… and questions ❤️

PS I mentioned Acceptance and Commitment Therapy- there is a level 1 workshop coming up by Dr Daniela Salazar in March see @lighthousearabia

I also mentioned JV - he is a therapist @lighthousearabia - he has workshops he does on Alchemy of Art and also on intuition.