Episode 1

When do you know that a relationship is actually very unhealthy...?

Your Hosts

About this Episode

There are many reasons why we may not have a very healthy model for relationships. But today, I wanted to talk about how you begin to recognize when you're in an unhealthy relationship:

1) When you start to feel like everything you do is wrong.
2) You can't be yourself and, you're constantly compromising.
3) Your partner disappears for long lengths of time.
4) You feel drained and exhausted, and you avoid talking about issues.
5) When you feel the relationship is so one-sided that you become resentful.

If some of these warning signs are familiar to you, it doesn't mean that you need to pack up your bags and go, but you should definitely be aware that you are in an unhealthy relationship and begin thinking about how you could be in a healthier one.

Anything that is one-sided is unhealthy. A relationship is about 2 people – listening to each other, supporting each other, caring for each other. These are just some things to think about; let me know if you have any questions. #InnerJourney